The production of electric vehicles continues to rise and confirms Spain’s commitment to this path.
The Spanish government has adopted the strategic project for recovery known as “PERTE” around renewable energy, renewable hydrogen and energy storage. It focuses on the transition to a carbon-neutral economy and aims to mobilise €16.4 billion in investments, mainly through calls for tender, including strategic projects on the electric and connected vehicle.

More accessible electric cars
In Europe, electric cars are most accessible in Spain, thanks to a €7,000 purchase subsidy (one of the ways to really get the electric car market off the ground). In all, more than €400 million to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles and the installation of charging stations has been deployed. The Spanish government plans to promote national sales of electric vehicles, improve charging infrastructure and build its first battery cell factory for electric cars. Until October 2021, electrified vehicles accounted for 9.5% of the total share of Spanish vehicle production and accumulated during 2021 a total of 163,133 units manufactured, 70.8% more than in the same period of the previous year! One in ten cars sold in Spain is electric, especially plug-in hybrids. These figures illustrate the interest of Spaniards in this type of vehicle, whose share is increasing month after month.

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