Oceanic Global is launching its new Blue Standard programme to encourage companies to become leaders in sustainability and to preserve the oceans.
Oceanic Global, the international non-profit NGO participating in World Ocean Day with the United Nations, is encouraging individuals and industry to care about the ocean… while providing solutions to protect it. The organisation aims to highlight humanity’s essential relationship with the ocean and empowers individuals, communities and industries to create positive change. Oceanic Global is also the creator of the Blue Standard, a first-of-its-kind cross-industry standard that provides tools and guidance to global industries and businesses (of all sizes!) to achieve measurable positive impact on our planet.

A balance between industry and ecology
While industry plays a major role in polluting the oceans, the situation is not irreversible and Oceanic Global believes that solutions exist to reverse the trend. It is entirely possible to find a balance between industry and ecology, and industry can even become a player in the change! The Blue Standard has two proposals: a 3-star sustainability verification system for business operations and product and packaging seals that verify the absence of plastic. The initiative doesn’t stop there, with the use of non-toxic cleaning products, sustainable and responsible food sourcing, energy consumption, responsible travel… Oceanic Global even encourages companies to create their own innovative actions, and has created a guide to guide companies depending on their sector.
#BlueStandard, #OceanicGlobal, #Oceans, #Sustainability,